Abuse and Harassment in Local Homeless Shelters

An image of a young woman sitting on the ground, with her head on her knees.

Our most vulnerable citizens may face physical abuse or sexual assault and harassment in order to remain housed in the shelter system that should be providing them safe housing. Pearce Lewis is endeavoring to stop that cycle.

They could take on almost anything because of the genuine interest they have in their client and the way they actually listen. You don’t find this too often in a lawyer.

Evelyn R.

Housing is a fundamental human right and no one should have to suffer the indignity of physical abuse or sexual assault and harassment to remain housed. Sadly, this is exactly what happens to many of our low-income neighbors here in the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout California. Many local shelter residents, particularly women, report physical attacks, and sexual assaults and harassment at the hands of shelter employees and others hired to keep the residents and premises safe. This must end.

The shelter system exists to provide safe housing. Shelter residents are often the most vulnerable of our citizens and include those suffering from mental and physical disabilities. Shelter residents are often too scared to speak out about the abuses and indignities they suffer inside shelters as they do not want to lose their housing. This is particularly true where folks who have spoken out against harassment and assaults in shelters have then experienced retaliation at the hands of shelter providers and others. Thus, the cycle of abuse is all but certain to continue.

Indeed, the San Francisco Chronicle has noticed the violence women living in shelters face.

Pearce Lewis has endeavored to stop the cycle and to hold municipalities, shelter providers, and security guards accountable for any type of physical abuse or sexual assault and harassment. We maintain that no one human is better than the next and that all should be treated with respect and decency. If you or someone you know has been assaulted while at a shelter, please reach out to us today.

Timothy F. Pearce







Stuart B. Lewis







Hannah Oxley
Hannah Oxley
Associate Attorney







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